The National Law School of India Review, the flagship journal of National Law School of India University, Bangalore is organizing the second NLSIR Public Law Symposium on December 22, 2012 at the National Law School campus.
Theme: Delimiting Media Freedoms: Discovering the ‘Delicate Balance’ Between Article 19 and Article 21
The discussion will be divided into two sessions:
First Session [10.30 A.M.-12.30 P.M.]: The panel will discuss the right to privacy and the problems posed by its uncertain ambit of protection under Article 21. Questions regarding the balance between the right to privacy and the media’s purported objective to protect public interest as well as the standards of privacy enjoyable by public figures together with the development of procedural innovations globally will constitute an important part of the discussion.
Second Session [1.30 P.M.-3.30 P.M.]: This session will focus on the controversial subject of ‘trial by media’ and the propriety of the judiciary governing the content of media reports through instruments such as the recently invoked ‘doctrine of postponement’.
Registration Fee: Rs. 200/- for students. [Lunch and refreshments will be provided]
Register here.
For more information, click here.